We offer superior service for the selected clients actively trading with large volumes. As soon as the total balance in your accounts reaches $50,000 (or an equivalent sum in another currency), you're assigned a VIP status*, which means access to the best exclusive benefits Grand Capital has to offer. Learn the details from your manager.


VIP Benefits

Personal manager

Your personal manager is ready to answer any inquiry you may have at anytime.

Exclusive VIP Line

Your inquiries are answered in the first instance through your exclusive VIP line.

No commissions

We will cover your deposit and withdrawal fees*

* provided certain requirements are met.

Individual Investment Portfolio

Our professional consultants will help you build up your personal portfolio according to your preferences.


Request a credit for an amount not exceeding $10 000 for 5 days. The credit amount cannot exceed 30% of your account balance.

Free training

Training courses and consultations with financial analysts are free of charge.


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